BBCCS 5: The Fresh School
A downloadable game for Windows and macOS
The 1st map of season 5, I hope you all enjoy.
xTPSx - Map Creator
Mystman12 - Creator of Baldi's basics aswell as the Joe's ultimate bus ride music.
Paulor94 - Custom mode, Minigames image and randomly spawned items and The Test script
GWAYThan - His characters and items ideas.
ToffeeRecord - Made the Serious Lee Buisnesstim, Paranoia, Power Generator , Slappy McBelterz, Snippy Scissorson, Annoyered-Business-Men, Tallymark Undersim, Poosy Kitty Darkz, Starez McBlinkers, Mocking Man, Banickate, British Mocking Man, Mr. Unfunny aswell as 5 new items idea(s).
TEMGaming - Jakc, TEXE, Noir Baldi, Mr. Nice Guy, #31P, Mr. Nasty Guy, The Doctor, TEST!SUBJECT 371, Fenki, Fundi, Jerry Millan, Leiah and Silon Richmens idea.
MrDrNose - Phonty, Doggos, Mr. Mix, Viktor, Laura and THE MIX
Cleary - Phonty Help
TEXE - Zach and Wallace Garman idea
Kayip - Made the crate texture and Burger and Pizza vending machine texture
TheBaldiModder452 - Delilah Dazzle character
CyndaquilDAC - Blacklight Baldi Gang and the background model (title screen used in thumbnails) idea, Heartsick Baby and Blacklight Bonnie idea and Winking Sign.
Scott Cawthon - FNAF characters (not joking lol) #fnaf
Diggaz2007 - Mia Johnson idea.
ENNWAY - Mr. Nice Guy's chase music.
SUS - The owner of old Mr. Nice Guy's sprite
Bam - Made the seed item idea.
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Is there a cheat menu for this?
I'm going to play it on YouTube!
and what is UnityPlayer.dll? its not letting me play!
how do you actually play the game
Played this game around 2 years ago. pretty good game, recommend it.
Make This As A Mod Menu
what is this
decompiled mod with s stupid characters lol
ah, alright
There is freak a delka?
and am new
bro idk how to play this game am just dumb can someone help me
Press the two download buttons
Well press on according to what port your on
can anybody maek a mod menu 4 this???ß??ß?ß???ß??!?!?!!!?!!!1?!?!ß?
whei ivy thomson remov!!!1!
mechanics just takes your stuff and throws it away
what this screen music?
what is name of title screen music?
Terry Tucker’s Orange Clockwork
Is there a mod menu for this?
theres a mod menu for one map from season 4 but it has got mr mix and doggo as newest character
Pls add android
change mouse sensitive
And by the way this is the best Baldi's Basics Mod i've ever played and thanks for putting it on mac.
Never mind I figured it out I just didn't turn mouse sensitivity up. Lol.
Wait how do you turn because it lets me move around but it wont let me look any direction but forward.
Make It For Us To Play /its free/
who want a 32 bits of this game click in the up arrow and answer with 'i want'
I want
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Dude, are you still alive? I noticed your gamejolt alt has been banned
32 bit ples
32 bit ples
i understand you
i want too a 32 bits
can you re-added bbccs 2 The Blocky School Pls
32 bit ples
Shut the FUCK up
bit 32
Add this character in the next map of BBCCS

Mechanics: He will spawn with Baldi, He can alert Playtime,Principal of the thing,Baldi and Gotta Sweep.
I didn't did him. It was made by HarryIsBaby
tps dont add 2 headed baldey clones
I will add that in my mod
Alternative name: Quintuple headed Baldi
Just a name I came up with if want to use it even this post is a year old
how about octuple headed baldi?
He alerts literally every single character on the map including all the other baldi’s
I hope you do the 2nd map of BBCCS Season 5
Where's the BBCCS open source? Is it gonna come out soon?
Thanks for the macOS! this mod is great!
Where are the other 2 modes ?